5.17.13 – Breath and Song

Breath and Song

Mantra and Pranayama Workshop

With Maggie Taylor



Friday May 17  

7:15 pm – 9:00 pm


The Living Yoga Center

115 West Main Street

2nd Floor

Urbana IL  61801




Breath and vibration naturally compliment one another.  In this workshop practitioners will learn a variety of pranayama (breathing techniques) that cultivate a meditative state and a few simple mantras (sacred songs sung with prayerful intention) to add to their home practices. This practice is about breathing deeply and singing from the heart, even if you don’t have confidence in your own voice.  Open-minded practitioners are welcome.  No experience necessary.

Class size is limited to 30 participants.  Advance registration is requested.

$30 per person

(register and pay by May 10th and receive $5.00 off)

To register and pay in advance by cash or check,

please email heartsopening@gmail.com or call (217) 351-8359.  

Tickets may also be purchased by credit card at: heartsopening23.eventbrite.com