4.21.13 Outer Form Inner Freedom

Outer Form Inner Freedom:  Arm Balances!

Take Flight with Integrity

With Maggie Taylor



Sunday April 21  

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


The Living Yoga Center

115 West Main Street

2nd Floor

Urbana IL  61801

This workshop is designed to make arm-balancing possible and fun.  Arm balances initially can seem frustrating and inaccessible. You’ll learn optimal alignment, and practice drills that will build the necessary strength and confidence to take flight in your poses! This workshop is suitable for people who have been practicing yoga regularly for at least six months and any potential yoga nerds. Bring a notebook (yes, really!)

Class size is limited to 30 participants.  Advance registration is requested.

$30 per person

(register and pay by April 14th and receive $5.00 off)

To register and pay in advance by cash or check,

please email heartsopening@gmail.com or call (217) 351-8359.  

Tickets may also be purchased by credit card at: heartsopening22.eventbrite.com