12.07.13 – Practicing in the red tent
Practicing In The Red Tent
With Maggie Taylor
Saturday December 7th
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Designed for women to come together to bridge knowledge, yoga and health. Learn how to practice yoga to keep your hormones functioning optimally.Much of this workshop will be inspired by GeetaIyengar’s book, Yoga: A Gem for Women.
This workshop will be part lecture, part discussion and will include some asana practice. It is appropriate for women in any and all stages of life (from teens to pregnant women to wise women elders).
Expect to learn something and be nourished in the good company of other women.
$30 per person (register and pay by November 30th and receive $5.00 off)
Advance Registration Is Requested
To register, please email
heartsopening@gmail.com or call (217) 351-8359
Tickets may also be purchased by credit card at heartsopening32.eventbrite.com
Artwork by Holle Hahn Art!