Friday, April 22, 6:00-8:00 pm

Release & Rejuvenate

With Rich Logan



Friday April 22
6:00-8:00 pm

The Living Yoga Center
212 South First Street
Champaign IL

Rejuvenate your body with a unique blend of mindful movements to open held tissues and then linger in static poses to balance the bound fascial structures. The release of the physical often gives us insights into the emotional and mental holding patterns. What holds you back?Rich Logan has traveled the world studying and teaching massage therapy and Yoga. A serious student of Yoga since 1998, teaching since 2001 and a meditation practitioner since 1978, Rich has an eclectic teaching style that incorporates his knowledge of anatomy and physiology with a unique understanding of spirituality in the modern world. He also has been performing with Kirtan groups in Chicago since 2002 as a guitarist and fronts his own group with a revolving band of world-class musicians called Akoustikirtan. He has been on faculty at the Chicago School of Massage therapy and The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, teaches yoga anatomy for teacher trainings, has been a guest speaker on Western massage techniques at the Auyurvedic College in Mysore, India, has taught adjustment and anatomy oriented yoga courses for yoga teachers in Hamburg, Germany, has presented at Wanderlust Chicago, and was also a featured yoga presenter at Bhakti fest Midwest in Madison. Rich studied at the prestigious Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Madras, India with TKV Desikachar, The Atma Vikasa in Mysore with Yogacharya V. Venkatesha and wife Acharye Hema, and The Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Center near Dharamsala with Sharat Arora. Rich’s significant teachers have been, Kim Shwartz, Tias Little, Aadil Palkhivala, Gabriel Halpern and Anna Forrest.

$30 per person
(Register and pay by April 15th and receive $5.00 off) Space Is Limited. Advance Registration Is Required.

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